30 Day Ignatian Retreat- April to May 2023
This retreat is now FULL. Please note: A five day or eight day retreat may be scheduled between these dates. *An eight day Ignatian retreat is a prerequisite for an Ignatian thirty day […]
8 Day Ignatian Retreat – May 2023
This directed retreat is for 5 or 8 days. The retreat will begin on Monday May 8, 2023. All retreatants will arrive on May 8th before 5PM and depart before […]
Invoking the Power of the Holy Spirit with Sr. Briege McKenna & Fr. Pablo Escriva de Romani – May 20, 2023 -SOLD OUT!
Presented by Sr. Briege McKenna and Fr. Pablo Escriva de Romani
Day of healing and Invoking the Power of the Holy Spirit - SOLD OUT!
8 Day Ignatian Retreat – September 2023
This directed retreat is for 5 or 8 days. The retreat will begin on Wednesday September 6, 2023. All retreatants will arrive on September 6th before 5PM and depart before NOON on either September 11th or 14th.
Rekindle – January 5, 2024
Presented by the Marian Servants Team
Join us for Rekindle, a powerful night with the Lord including Mass, Adoration, Praise and Worship with "Freedom to Worship" and Fellowship. The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available.