Guiding God's People
To Healing, Freedom & Purpose in Christ
About Our Community
The MARIAN SERVANTS® of the Eucharist began in the Diocese of Baton Rouge in 2003. Our community is one of several Marian Servant Communities across the United States beginning in 1982 with “The Marian Servants® of Divine Providence” in Clearwater, FL. The mission of the Marian Servants® is to bring Catholic Christians to a deeper understanding of their vocation and mission in Christ, in the Church and in the world.
Our community fosters that mission with a unique focus on intercessory prayer, spiritual direction and Ignatian prayer. Our members serve in local parishes within the Diocese of Baton Rouge. By embracing the Marian Servant Rule of Life, of holiness, obedience, and humble servanthood, the Marian Servants® of the Eucharist pray and grow together with the shared mission of becoming like Mary, in openness to the Holy Spirit and bearing Jesus to the world. We have special devotions to the Holy Spirit and to Mary, the Mother of Jesus, and always remain loyal to authentic Catholic teaching and the Magisterium of the Church.
We welcome anyone who is seeking a deeper spiritual journey and a desire to live and grow in community with others. Marian Servants® of the Eucharistic is a Public Association of the Christian faithful and a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.
Weekly Meeting Schedule
Meeting Date and Time
Thursday evening from 5:30 – 7:30 pm
Meeting Location
Kleinpeter Activity Center of St. George Catholic Church
7808 St. George Dr., Baton Rouge, LA 70809
Meeting Content
We have a time of praise and worship, teaching, and conclude with praying the rosary together.
(See full calendar below)
Our Ministries
Intercessory Prayer
Marian Servants® of the Eucharistic engage in the spiritual works of mercy by interceding in prayer for others daily.
Spiritual Direction
A primary charism of the Marian Servants® is helping others deepen their relationship with Christ through Spiritual Direction. Trained by the Cenacle of Our Lady Divine Providence School of Spiritual Direction in Clearwater, FL., and certified by Franciscan University of Steubenville, our directors follow a prayer model inspired by St. Ignatius of Loyola. Ignatian prayer uses the imagination and the true desires of one’s heart to hear God’s voice in daily living. The director acts as a compassionate listener, while the Holy Spirit is the active spiritual director. A directee is encouraged to pray with scripture and spend time with the Lord daily.
Am I a candidate for Spiritual direction?
Spiritual Direction is recommended for people who are actively seeking God’s will in everyday life. In spiritual direction, there is a one-on-one conversation about one’s experience of private prayer and the spiritual consequences of that experience to living a full, mature Christian life.
The true director is the Holy Spirit who helps the trained spiritual director to “hear” what the directee is truly saying about his/her faith life. The spiritual director does not really ‘direct’ as in giving advice or solving problems, but rather helps the directee to open up to God’s graces, allowing the Lord to work in the directee to bring about a deeper relationship with Him.
The directee is asked to pray with scripture daily and spend this time prayerfully with God, listening to and responding to movements of his/her heart.
To request a spiritual director, please click HERE.
Ignatian Prayer
Ignatian prayer provides a vehicle to help a person come to healing, freedom and purpose in Christ. Through meditation on the Scriptures and the practice of imaginative contemplation one is drawn into deeper personal awareness and understanding of God’s love and mercy, resulting in a desire to grow in virtue and serve God’s people.
The directee is offered a scripture (or scriptures) and a related grace to reflect on. Feelings and emotions will surface as the words and images touch the mind and heart. The directee is encouraged to have an inner dialogue with the Lord as memories and personal connections arise.
The prayer time concludes with an expression of gratitude to the Lord for his goodness and grace. A short time of review of the prayer and writing in one’s journal is recommended.
If you are interested in Ignatian Prayer, we offer the following programs:
Morning of Prayer
Morning of Prayer is an opportunity to grow in better understanding of Ignatian mediation and contemplation. Participants are introduced to methods of praying with Scripture and given the opportunity to practice. This morning is unique in that it encourages an encounter with Christ by offering time for both private prayer and Ignatian small group sharing. Our community offers this prayer experience to all parishes and religious organizations. Please contact us for more information or to schedule a Morning of Prayer in your parish.
Abide in Me
A group program created to deepen your relationship with the Lord using the eight themes of prayer developed by Fr. John Wickham, S.J. This program is a grace-filled prelude to the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius.
19th Annotation of the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises
This version of the Exercises is extended over several months to allow individuals to experience the exercises amid their everyday lives with daily prayer practices, readings, and meditations. The individual meets once weekly to share his/her prayer experiences with a spiritual director.
Healing School of Prayer
The Marian Servants offer a 1-week healing prayer training seminar through their affiliate community in St. Augustine, FL, The Marian Servants® of the Blessed Sacrament.
Marian Servants of the Eucharist
c/o St. George Catholic Church
7808 St. George Dr.
Baton Rouge, LA 70809
Upcoming Events